Star Trek episode "The Squire of Gothos"

"The Squire of Gothos"

Season 1, episode 17.

The first Q. Trelane, our antagonist, is even treated as a Q in one of the Star Trek novels, I remember. The ultimate in all of Star Trek's omnipotent antagonists.

It's interesting that as he is watching Earth, he forgets about the time dilation effect and is watching Earth of 900 years ago, that's why he dresses like that, although, I don't see it as fully accurate because at one point they are using guns like those that "slew Alexander Hamilton." That would put the year at 2700, which is not when Star Trek is set.

Trelane holds a "trial" just like the Q of The Next Generation, albeit not the kangaroo court of that series. Actually a cool episode, even with fighting another omnipotent antagonist. Wish he had come back.

There is a great switch at the end with Trelane being a naughty little boy.

Also, this is the third episode with crewman DeSalle that I know of.

Also, there is yet another new pretty yeoman for Kirk--how the hell is this supposed to be a five-year mission if Kirk keeps getting pretty new yeomans?

One dilemma: they never tried to enlist the aid of these super-entities when they were faced with dire circumstances, like the Borg in TNG.
