
Showing posts from August, 2015

King Randor is Burger King

Is it just me, or is King Randor, from the 1980s cartoon He-Man and the Masters of the Universe by Filmation, the archetype for Burger King?

New audiobook The Hermetic Arcanum now available! #ACX_com

Now available at This book contains the secrets of alchemical transformation in fairly clear language through the various stages of sol and luna in dynamic interplay along with many references to other classics of alchemy. First published in 1623, it has long been considered one of the classic texts on the transmutation of the metals - the creation of the elixir and the stone of the wise. #ACX_com

Free audibook download codes #ACX_com

Available on my Twitter account! Free audiobook download codes for on books that I have narrated. Every once in a while I will post a new code with a direct link to its page on Audible. Sign up and be lucky enough to snatch a code! Or message me directly for a free code! Free audiobooks! What more could you want! #ACX_com

Quick review of Cline's Armada

Armada by Ernest Cline--a quick review Hot on the heels of the fantastic adventure called Ready Player One , Ernest Cline decided to keep it going with a new book called Armada . Clearly another video game retread though as, while most of it is the same type of thing as Ready Player One , Armada does not have the same magic. Basically, the concept for the first book was so goodā€”intriguing and electrifyingā€”that he simply couldn't duplicate it. The characters don't seem as strong and the prose doesn't seem as stylistically interesting. However, the fascinating part of the book is his re-imagination of what science fiction is in the first place. His references to sci-fi mythos is truly for any nerd to love. Little glimmers like that, that tell us we are not alone in our fandom, are really worth reading about. I still liked Armada . Don't get me wrong. I have always loved the concept of if the movie The Last Starfighter suddenly came true and...

The Prisoner by Jack Kirby

One of the greats of all comicdom also loved my favorite show of all time. Here are the pages he managed to do on a comic book version of the first episode. It was pulled before it ever came to fruition. Shame.

Time to come out of our summer coffins...

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Happy birthday to Harry Revenge! I have a a day...I can do it.

August 13, 2015 at 05:54PM via Facebook

Superfriends was awfully silly. This is Batman being attacked by space turtles on another planet.

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Poor Aquaman

Aquaman always gets the short end of the stick. So many authors have never been able to write his character properly.   Case in point, an episode of The Superfriends from the 70s called "The Incredible Space Circus" gives him a funny line.   Jayna : Oh boy. I can't wait to see the incredible space circus at the Metropolis fairgrounds.   Superman : I wonder what's holding up Wonder Woman? She was supposed to meet us here an hour ago. I'm afraid we'll have to cancel our date to go to the circus, Jayna. We've got to try to find Wonder Woman.   Aquaman : I'll check the oceans.

"ginger tastes like the smell of dryer sheets!" --Madi Butcher

August 09, 2015 at 01:34PM via Facebook

"Wow that kicked me in the face with steel toe boots!"--Madison

August 09, 2015 at 01:33PM via Facebook

It's hard to get ready to go back to school...

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Wonder Twins powers activate! Form of...a woodpecker! Shape of...a pneumatic ice drill!

August 04, 2015 at 01:38PM via Facebook

100 audiobook units sold!!! #ACX_com

August 04, 2015 at 08:46AM via Facebook

Wonder Twin powers...activate! Form of a Condor! Shape of an ice gondola!

August 03, 2015 at 07:02PM via Facebook

Can I get a dimension ray that banishes people to the twenty-third dimension? Hawkman fought aliens that had one...

August 03, 2015 at 05:06PM via Facebook

On the back of a whale

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Who's the monkey

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Nice to emu you

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Peoria zoo with my homies

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Interesting takeaways from the audio commentary for Return of the Jedi

George Lucas helped with the audio commentary on the DVD set for the Star Wars Special Edition . It has always been my contention that he really didn't have much of a plan for scripts outside of one story. And I really believe now that he only had one really long story, a la Lord of the Rings , that he couldn't really have put into one movie back in the 70s. First of all, he admits that he brought the Death Star into A New Hope simply to have a climax. It wasn't supposed to be there. That's why he basically just rehashes the Death Star battle in Return of the Jedi . That was where it was supposed to go in the first place. This tells me that he was just stretching out his one story. "There were a lot of things that were added in to this one because of the fact that I got down this far from the original script, the story had become pretty thin..." "...Luke managing to redeem his father." Notice how he does NOT say Anakin redeeming himself. ...

From the inside liner to the David Lee Roth LP . I can't stop laughingšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

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Great garage sale records found today! Woodstock! Beatles--Abbey Road (2 copies) Some 3 record Beatles best of set Beatles--Let It Be Beatles--Rubber Soul Beatles--Yesterday and Today Beatles--Historic Sessions set ZZ Top--El Loco ZZ Top--Eliminator Crosby, Stills & Nash (with "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes") CSNY--Deja Vu Queen Greatest Hits Wings--over America And David Lee Roth's Eat 'Em and smile (for fun!)

August 01, 2015 at 11:52AM via Facebook