The DC Universe likes to shake things up. This innovative storytelling, these imaginary stories, usually results in some good stuff. Unfortunately, lately DC has decided to do too much in these Elseworlds stories. It started for me with the great idea of Superman: Red Son but it was horribly executed. The entire premise is great: make Kal-El grow up in Soviet Russia instead of the USA. A fantastic idea. Think of it--just the timing of the launch of the rocket a few short hours one way or another and he lands in the Soviet Union and not Kansas. The entire premise of what makes Superman Superman is called into question. Is it the loving family, nature vs nurture, or the governmental system? Wouldn't that be something? Superman fighting for the ideals of his home, Mother Russia, just like so many others during the cold war days. My beef with the entire book is that I wonder why they had to make a Russian Batman, among many of the other changes they made as the regular DC Uni...