After listening to the Back In the Village podcast on The Prisoner, I just wanted to get my two cents in on why certain episodes are important overall. You simply must look at each episode as to what it does for the series as a whole. Why is it there at all? "It's Your Funeral" with Darren Nesbitt as Number Two always falls into the category of "why did they make that one at all?" I show The Prisoner every year to sophomores as an examination of allegory, with other texts and shows. Seventeen episodes for eighteen week semester? Perfect. So I show them all. This episode never ceases to make the smart kids crazy when they realize that there was no real purpose in getting Number Six involved in the scheme. Or was there? Overall, I put this episode in a category of the leaders of the Village trying to show Number Six that it is all pointless and you might as well submit. You have not one but two dumb Number Twos in this episode. Blondie Number Two is clea...