A new shot at The Prisoner in "The Chimes of Big Ben"

I teach the TV show The Prisoner to my sophomores as visual literacy. You do everything exactly the same as analyzing text, but you now do it to a TV show. And The Prisoner is perfect.

While watching for probably the fiftieth time the episode entitled "The Chimes of Big Ben," the sculpture interpretation scene really jumped out at me.

#6 is interpreting his sculpture that he has titled "Escape." Clearly there is a hole in the sculpture that he pokes his head through, and in the back on the wall, way back, is one of those drawings of #2. This at first appears incidental but in one shot #6 has his face in the hole on one side and #2's drawn face is on the other side, as if they are looking at each other.

Is this a clue to the series overall? This must have been purposely set up like this. Are the faces together to show some connection? That they can't escape? Or are at least entwined together?

