Star Trek episode "The Alternative Factor"

"The Alternative Factor"

Season 1, episode 27.

Existence and non-existence. Matter and anti-matter.

Spock reports, "The entire magnetic field of this solar system simply blinked." Non-existence, a cosmic winking out. It occurs within every quadrant of the galaxy, it is said.

Kirk and Spock beam down and meet some dude named Lazarus who explains that he is "chasing the devil's own spawn" that wiped out his entire universe.

There is lots of fighting in a fuzzy blue screen, apparently to symbolize the alternate plane.

When Lazarus is taken aboard the Enterprise they sure give the guy a lot of leeway for not knowing who he really is and Spock saying he is the center of all the disturbances. He has complete run of the ship, even a second time after assaulting two crewmen.

To solve the issue, Kirk gets transported to the blue plane and crosses over into the anti-matter universe. He finds out it is the anti-Lazarus. Lazarus then gets stranded in the bridge between the universes, fighting the anti-Lazarus until the end of time.
